Herb spotlight: pine properties, uses, and lore
Pine is the largest family of conifers, growing very widely across the northern hemisphere.
Pine is used in healing, fertility, protection, exorcism, and money spells,
Burn pine needles during winter to purify and cleanse your home. Scatter pine needles on your floor to keep evil at bay, and then burn those needles in your fireplace to rid your space of any negativity. You can also use pine needles in cleansing baths, and in reversal and return to sender spells.
Place a pine branch above your bed to keep sickness away. You can also place a pine branch over your door to ensure continual joy, as the leaves are evergreen.
Make a cross out of pine needle and hang it over your fireplace to prevent evil from entering that way. Pine is often used in money spells.
Carry a pine cone to increase fertility or be more active in older age. Please note, take that as more folklore than medical advice - if you are struggling to conceive, talk to your doctor.
Pine is really great at balancing your skin tone. It evens out oily skin as well as dry skin.
Pine is also commonly used to treat arthritis, both as a long-term and short-term remedy. Try adding a poultice of pine around achy knees, or add a few drops of pine to your favorite arthritis rub. While we don’t use it in our Muscle C.R.E.A.M., we won’t be mad if you add some to your tin.